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Sue Mundy
Painter of Fine & Commercial Art
Wabasha Food Share Building
Acrylic painted on polymetal
110' x 7.5'

This project began as the Food Share moved into this building in the downtown. Several people, including me drove by and thought that wall would be a good place for a mural. Wabasha Mainstreet jumped on this and together with all of the grantors, sponsors, city of Wabasha, and volunteers made this happen. I set this up in my basement and painted five 4'x8' boards at a time. I engaged and paid a local poet to come up with the message. Volunteers came to my house to help trace text and do the flat painting. It was fun for me to watch students and adults get immersed in the process. I had to remind them of the one wanted to go
Wabasha Food Share Building Interior

Shortly after the exterior was done, I was contacted to create a mural for the interior space. I am told often how bright and cheery it makes the entry.
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